Sunday, July 13, 2008

Embracing the Mystery

In the final chapter of The Teacher’s Calling, Gloria Durka (2002) posed this thought provoking question, “Can we live our vocation in such a way as to invite mystery?”(p.75)
I believe the answer to the question hinges on our belief that we are called to a vocation in education. By recognizing and answering this call, we acknowledge and accept from the very beginning that there is mystery involved in this vocation. The call itself is mysterious. As we questioned in class, how do we recognize our call? Can our call change? What if we feel called to multiple vocations (Teacher, Husband, Father, Religious, etc.)? All of these questions involve mystery. By answering our call we are accepting an invitation to a life steeped in mystery. The degree to which we nurture our own spirituality and maintain a healthy balance between our professional and personal life directly impacts how we deal with this mystery. Understanding that education is a Holy endeavor and maintaining a strong sense of purpose are the crucial elements to not only accepting the mysteries involved with our vocation, but marvelling and drawing strength from them as well.


TJ Lynch said...

Wow Brendan, you brought your "A" game on this post.

I struggle with balance. This is a calling, so how do you balance your calling to other things?

I really have to figure that one out or I am going to miss out on some other things. But, our tastes change. Who knows, maybe I will get married one day. I would never be able to do the job I do now and be devoted to the family. Yikes, my children would never see me. I cannot even have a dog because I am gone so much.

Later B!

Sister Delia said...

I remember the old saying that says: Life is not a problem to solve but a mystery to live in." Let that mystery continue to linger in our hearts and mind so that we can teacher our students the "wonders of life."